Five Ways An Online Business Manager Can Impact Your Business

Are you caught up in the details of your business with countless ideas but lacking the time to execute them? Has your business grown so much that you, at times, feel overwhelmed, disorganised, or unstructured? If either of these resonates with you, then it might be time to consider partnering with an online business manager (OBM).

An OBM is the next step from a virtual assistant (VA); an OBM is a skilled professional who is there to support your business goals and make them a reality. As a business owner, it can be hard to find the headspace to strategically plan business growth and act on new ideas when you’re busy with day-to-day tasks. 

An OBM is there to bridge the gap between the strategic vision you have and the practical implementation of these goals, helping you move forward with confidence. 

It's exciting to realise that you’re in a position to need external support, but it can also feel daunting. Taking on an OBM is a positive investment in the future growth of your business. 

Let’s explore some of the benefits in more detail.

1. Business Growth

If you’re not sure what you need, reaching out to an OBM is a great step. They will deep dive into your business and vision, assessing your needs, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting practical solutions. This process allows the OBM to pinpoint some of your pain points. They can review your plans and ideas, suggesting ways to bring them to fruition. For instance, they may identify tasks you’re currently handling that could be outsourced, thus freeing up your valuable time and resources.

As the business owner, you have the clearest understanding of your vision. Don’t let administrative tasks slow you down. Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming to turn your business plans into reality, even if you have a general idea of how to proceed. You might need external support from specialists like copywriters or designers to up-scale your operations. Finding and briefing these professionals can be time-consuming. An OBM can facilitate this process, bringing in the right people at just the right moment. 

2. Time & Energy

As a business owner, you’re probably full of ideas. At the heart of it, an idea started your company after all. Unfortunately, the reality of running a business is a little less glamorous than being able to act on your ideas straight away. 

There are emails to answer, invoices to create and tax returns to be dealt with. All of these jobs are a vital part of being a business owner, but sometimes it can feel like they’re keeping you from achieving your ambitions for your company. 

An OBM is there to free up your time by working out actionable steps you can take to get your business where you want it to be. Whilst you work on the tasks that require your high-level expertise. 

3. Increased Customer Satisfaction 

When you’re juggling too many plates, it’s natural to find that something has to give. If you’re the CEO, CFO, social media manager, head of marketing, and so much more, there may come a time when this is at the expense of your clients, regardless of whether or not you realise it.

If you feel like every day is filled with too many tasks, then hiring an Online Business Manager (OBM) can help you share the load. This gives you time and energy back to focus on enhancing your client experience.

Happy customers lead to more business, which in turn necessitates a strategy for future growth. So, in the end, it all pays off.

4. Accountability

If you’re someone who struggles to see things through or loses enthusiasm when you have to go through some of the smaller steps needed for long-term success, an OBM could be a great partner. By scheduling regular meetings and sharing the vision for your business, they’ll help hold you accountable.

Being a business owner can feel lonely at times, but an OBM is there to bring some energy back into your bigger projects, keeping you ambitious and passionate about your business.

5. Sounding board

Having a good idea is just the starting point of a successful business plan. Before you implement any actions, you’ll need to carefully consider if this aligns with your goals, as well as whether it will positively impact your clients. 

An OBM can act as a sounding board for your ideas, pointing out angles or areas you might not have considered. They can also give you a boost if you have a great idea, but lack confidence, providing evidence and steps that show that your dreams can be possible. This is one of the reasons why finding the right OBM for you is so important – your long-term working relationship will help shape the future success of your venture. 

Invest in the future of your business

It can be hard to realise that you need to invest in some extra support for your business. But by outsourcing some of the work you need support with, you give yourself the opportunity to spend your valuable time on the tasks you can do best.

As the business owner, you will always be the person who is most passionate about your product or service. If you’re overwhelmed, this may mean your great business idea isn’t executed to the best possible standard, simply due to a lack of time and energy. By hiring an OBM, you make way for you to take the next step towards your future success. Don’t hold yourself back.

Take Things To The Next Level With An OBM

If you’re ready to sustainably scale your business, then hiring an OBM could be a great investment for you. Not only will this give you back time to focus on the big picture and high-level tasks, but it will also tackle feelings of being overwhelmed, disorganised, or unstructured providing you with a better work-life balance. 

Interested in finding out more about how Elements OBM can help you? Get in touch today.


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